
La Galerie

June 2nd - July 16th, 2016

Un autre monde dans notre monde – Collectif

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La Collection

From September 24th until January 22nd 2022

Graffiti in the agnès b.’s collection

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Hors les murs

La Librairie

Thursday, November 4th 2021

On the road : launching of the FUTURA fanzine by Hugo Vitrani, SKKI© et Thibault Choay

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Paris has always been an attractive artistic cradle for new generations of artists, teeming with innovative and surprising ideas. For this exhibition
in the manner of Marcel Duchamp’s 1919 work Air de Paris, the young Italians
captures the artistic effervescence palpable in today’s Parisian air.

Galerie du Jour presents nine young Italian and French artists whose diverse artistic
artistic expressions – painting, sculpture, drawing, installation, photography
and video – reflect the rich and lively cultural identity of contemporary Italy. Coming from different backgrounds, they all have special ties with this country, and reveal their
their singularities and commonalities.

CRESCENDO…DES RITALS À PARIS!, a title that evokes the rise of these Italian artists on the Parisian scene, but also the idea of a movement, of a desire that goes from strength to strength. In this way, the exhibition embodies the vibrant and complex rise of these newcomers to the capital, who continue to proudly express their ritality.

These artists represent an artistic immigration, born of necessity and the search for new challenges, and characterized by passion and daring. Through their
works, they explore the complexity of their roots and the passionate relationship between
France and Italy. This polyphonic exhibition reflects their ability to transform differences into creative opportunities for a profound and generous dialogue
between the cultures of both countries.

CRESCENDO…DES RITALS À PARIS ! is a celebration of the rich creative potential
vitality and resilience to the challenges of contemporary urban reality.

The artists

La Fab.

Place Jean-Michel Basquiat, 75013 Paris