
La Galerie

June 2nd - July 16th, 2016

Un autre monde dans notre monde – Collectif

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La Collection

From September 24th until January 22nd 2022

Graffiti in the agnès b.’s collection

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Hors les murs

La Librairie

Thursday, November 4th 2021

On the road : launching of the FUTURA fanzine by Hugo Vitrani, SKKI© et Thibault Choay

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La Galerie

11/07 : Che i muri siano portali – Clara Darin

The Che i muri siano portali (Let walls be portals) performance is presented as an ambient sound moment, in the form of a DJ set, where listening becomes an act of reflection on exchanges between entities that emit and receive sound, and on the possibilities of extending our sensory, emotional and perceptive capacities.

The project is inspired by and reinterprets the fundamentals of cymatics, a theory that explores the way in which vibrations produced by sound interact with matter, objects and entities, generating not only patterns, but also forms that are homogeneous with the surrounding vibratory environment.

The moment of performance produces a continuum of sound through vibrations; an immaterial interaction between sound, audience and architecture that creates portals of affective exchange. The concept of affects, described by Spinoza and taken up in Steve Goodman’s book Guerre Sonore, considers emotional intensity not just as an individual matter, but as a collective dynamic that interacts with the mood of the environment and is reflected in the nervous systems of the recipients. Sound is an affective force that becomes a tool for creating an extended affective complex.

Through Deep Listening, a practice developed by composer and accordionist Pauline Oliveros, listeners are invited, through active listening, to extend their auditory and sensory perception to include the entire space-time continuum of sound, embracing as far as possible the affective complex created.

La Fab.

Place Jean-Michel Basquiat, 75013 Paris