
La Galerie

June 2nd - July 16th, 2016

Un autre monde dans notre monde – Collectif

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La Collection

From September 24th until January 22nd 2022

Graffiti in the agnès b.’s collection

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Hors les murs

La Librairie

Thursday, November 4th 2021

On the road : launching of the FUTURA fanzine by Hugo Vitrani, SKKI© et Thibault Choay

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La Librairie

OLGANAF : living poetry

OLGA, poetry not poetry.

OLGA is a half-text, half-image, half-sound poetry magazine.

OLGA is called OLGA because it’s the dog’s name.

OLGA’s aim is to bring together the overflowing and the hybrid, a magazine interested in the adventure of forms that go beyond poetry-poetry.

Twice a year, OLGA conducts a survey (about understanding, about the non-humans, about the Oddissey, about sewing, about the butterfly’s union, about Jean-François, about Countries, about ultra-lyrism, about etc).

Each issue of OLGA is a random search, not a search for anything; it’s an investigation and a butterfly’s flickering within an investigation.
OLGA is therefore a place for poetic work on excess in meaning and non-meaning (and mis-saying) (a dog who barks and eats everything it can find and sleeps and lets out little yelps in it sleep and growls and can bite and has eyes that look like they’re pleading and licks wounds and walks free and mates in the street).

NINAF, Éditions Ni fait ni à faire

a poetry edition that

in lace

but in the tooth

the milk tooth the decayed tooth the lost tooth

to the four winds

publishing at arm’s length at nerve’s end

at the end of a string at the end

of a cotton bud

“I wanted to live intensely and suck the sebum out of life”.

just like that just like that

a fun edition

a big word

is having the time of its life

has fun hybridizing

mixing and matching

publishing poetry and more

expeditious poetry publishing

pack it and weigh it

circulate there’s everything to see

to digest to unravel to lick

poetry for language

for pieces of tongue for splintered tongue

packed to the hieroglyphic rim of lips full of sewage

by words

nothing to report

it’s all there


La Fab.

Place Jean-Michel Basquiat, 75013 Paris